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Did you notice that you were able to read the whole article without encountering a paywall? Or even a ticker telling you how many free articles you have left this month, like you encounter on so many other news sites?
Here’s the secret behind our success, and why we are able to pay our journalists while keeping our articles free and open for all to read: our Tyee Builders program.Tyee Builders are readers who sign up to contribute an amount that works for them on a monthly basis so that our independent outlet can publish in-depth reporting five days a week.
While many other newsrooms are shrinking, we’ve grown our team of journalists in the past few years. And we’ve been able to do it because of a few thousand people who are signed up to Tyee Builders.
Fewer than 1 in 100 of our average monthly readers are signed up to contribute on a monthly basis. If we reach 1% of our readers signing up to be Tyee Builders, we can continue to grow and do even more.
If you appreciate what The Tyee publishes and want to help us do more, please sign up to be a Tyee Builder today. You pick the amount, and you can cancel any time. — Jeanette Ageson, Publisher
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