Q: I was able to buy a new cast-iron kitchen sink at a discount price. But the new kitchen sink only has one sink hole for the faucet. I’m used to seeing more holes in the sink rim. What type of kitchen faucet do I get to fit this style of sink?
— Ted, Rhode Island
A: With a new kitchen sink and faucet, usually you pick out a faucet and order a sink with the correct number of faucet holes. When you just need a new kitchen faucet, all you have to do is order a faucet style to fit the existing sink. Here are some suggestions for matching up a kitchen faucet that can fit your one-hole kitchen sink.
Four-hole mounting: Four holes can accommodate a two-handle faucet with a remote spray head. Or, a faucet with a deck plate can cover three holes, with the last hole for the spray.
Three-hole mounting: Use a two-handle faucet without a spray, or a single-handle control with a separate spout and spray.
Two-hole mounting: A single-handle faucet with a side spray can fit.
Finally, a single-hole sink uses a single-handle faucet with a pullout spray spout to give you a hole-in-one install.
Master Contractor/Plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book “Ed Del Grande’s House Call,” the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit eddelgrande.com or write eadelg@cs.com. Always consult local contractors and codes.