
Android 4.3 build for the Nexus 4 pops up on forums

Android 4.3 has made a surreptitious debut on the Nexus 4, according to Google+ user Jeff Williams, who sent his phone's backup files to the xda-developer forums. Williams asserts that the phone, which he bought second-hand, came with a 4.3 build pre-installed.

Android 4.3 build for the Nexus 4 pops up on forums

The backup uses the build number JWR66N, the same number that was leaked on a Samsung Galaxy S 4 at the end of June. Williams says that he bought the phone from a Googler who apparently forgot to wipe it of the upcoming Android update.

The bootloader and cellular radio parts of the backup were initially missing, though Williams is working to add them in a follow-up post. Android Police checked the build out and verified that it is otherwise functional, and the site has a video of it in operation. The build includes a new version of the Google Play store that can now be downloaded separately, or Nexus 4 owners can install the entire build onto their own phones.

This leak makes it more likely that we’ll see the unveiling of Android 4.3 Jelly Bean alongside a new Nexus 7 at the July 24 event Google announced yesterday. Ars reporters will be on the ground covering the event live—until then, stay tuned.
