These are recent restaurant inspection reports for Alachua County — from Dec. 27 to Jan. 1 — filed by state safety and sanitation inspectors.
The Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation describes an inspection report as “a ‘snapshot’ of conditions present at the time of the inspection. On any given day, an establishment may have fewer or more violations than noted in their most recent inspection. An inspection conducted on any given day may not be representative of the overall, long-term conditions at the establishment.
Please note that some more recent, follow-up inspections may not be included here.
Previous inspections:Alachua County restaurant inspections for Nov. 29 to Dec. 4
16 failed, 10 were perfect:Alachua County restaurant inspections for Nov. 15-27
Gators Den Sports Grill
4210 NW 97 Blvd, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 29.
Met standards.
Four total violations, with three high-priority violations:
-- High Priority - Ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food not consumed/sold within 7 days after opening/preparation. See stop sale. Observed Cole slaw in the walk-in cooler, dated for 12-20-2021. Over 7 days.
-- High Priority - Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Observed the Chili that was on the cook line, portioned last night, was at 50°F. ALSO, the cheese sauce portioned last night was at 51°F in the same cooler on the cook line.
-- High Priority - Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Observed chili on the cook line, 50°F in a styrofoam cup, portioned last night. ALSO, cheese sauce at 51°F, same reach-in cooler. These were separated by the container below from the metal pan. The items below were not in violation.
-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Observed the ice machine in the hallway, the shroud is soiled. ALSO, the soda gun at the bar was soaking in water, it is soiled. A brush was then applied to the nozzle. For this item: **Corrective Action Taken**
Harrys Of Gainesville
110 SE 1 St, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 27.
Follow-up needed: High-priority violations found, and administrative action recommended.
12 total violations, with 2 high-priority violations:
-- High Priority - Employee touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands - food was not being heated as a sole ingredient to 145 degrees F or immediately added to other ingredients to be cooked/heated to the minimum required temperature to allow bare hand contact. Establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure. Employee touched cooked fish when sliding fish on to plate.
-- Basic - Bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food. Soufflé cup used to dispense boiled egg in salad prep area. Manager discarded soufflé cup. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Ceiling/ceiling tiles/vents soiled with accumulated food debris, grease, dust, or mold-like substance. Vents above cook line coolers.
-- Basic - Cove molding at floor/wall juncture broken/missing. Cove molding in dry storage room next to office. **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Employee beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils. Employee drink on prep table with can opener. Employee moved drink. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Vents above grill and fryers greasy. Wall behind dish machine soiled with old food debris. Containers in walk-in cooler. Walk-in cooler gasket soiled with mold-like substance. Hand washing sink next to three compartment sink.
-- Basic - Single-service articles not stored inverted or protected from contamination. To go containers stored in wait station. Manager turned containers over. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. Wet wiping cloth on reach-in cooler across from grill. Manager placed towel in sanitizer bucket. **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Wiping cloth quaternary ammonium compound sanitizing solution not at proper minimum strength. Sanitizer bucket in prep area, 0 ppm. Manager changed water, 200 ppm. **Corrected On-Site**
TGI Fridays #2624
3075 Clark Butler Blvd, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 27.
Follow-up needed: Warning issued.
Seven total violations, with two high-priority violations:
-- High Priority - Employee rubbed hands together for less than 10-15 seconds while washing hands. Observed server bring dirty dishes to ware wash area, then wash hands for less than 10 seconds.
-- High Priority - Employee switched from working with raw food to ready-to-eat food without washing hands. Observed employee on cook line wearing gloves place raw chicken on grill and then proceeded to grab clean plates before removing gloves, washing hands and placing on new gloves.
-- Intermediate - No proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. Manager on duty is not able to access employee food handler training due to a new system being used. **Warning**
-- Basic - In-use utensil not stored with handle above the top of time/temperature control for safety food and rim of the container. Observed scoop handle not above garlic marinade in Walk-in Cooler .
-- Basic - In-use utensil not used with moist food stored in running water. Observed dipper well next to ice cream not running and ice cream scoop stored in dipper well.
-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Observed mold like substance on the underside of the non food contact surface of the nozzles on the soda dispensing machine at server station. Also observed soda guns at bar with mold like substance on non-food contact surface where nozzels attach.
-- Basic - Old labels stuck to food containers after cleaning. Observed old labels on metal containers on clean ware ware rack in ware wash area
Bangkok Square
8181 NW 38 Ln Unit 100, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 28.
Met standards.
Five total violations, with two high-priority violations:
-- High Priority - Employee touching ready-to-eat food with their bare hands - food was not being heated as a sole ingredient to 145 degrees F or immediately added to other ingredients to be cooked/heated to the minimum required temperature to allow bare hand contact. Establishment has no approved Alternative Operating Procedure. Observed kitchen staff member prepping vegetables, for cold hold, no gloves. Hands were washed and gloves were added. **Corrected On-Site**
-- High Priority - Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Observed 2 shell eggs on a prep table. Staff relates they have been there since the staff breakfast. Ambient air temperature 83°F.
-- Intermediate - Commercially processed ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food opened and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening. Observed the 1/2 n 1/2 at the bar, 5 ounces left, no use by date. A date was added. Less than 5 quarts per week is purchased. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**
-- Intermediate - Required employee training expired for some employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. Observed some of the posted certificates are expired. **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured. Observed an unsecured CO2 tank by the mop sink.
Los Pollos Rotisserie Chicken & Grill
2410 NW 43 St, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 28.
Follow-up needed: High-priority violations found, and administrative action recommended.
Nine total violations, with one high-priority violation:
-- High Priority - Toxic substance/chemical improperly stored. Observed purple spray and glass cleaner stored above sauce bottles and straws under the front counter. These were moved away. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation** **Admin Complaint**
-- Intermediate - No proof of required state approved employee training provided for employee hired more than 60 days ago. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. Observed only 2 certificates, other employees are over 60 days.
-- Intermediate - Spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled. Observed blue liquid in a pump jug, no label. A soap label was added. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Current Hotel and Restaurant license not displayed. Observed the current license was not available upon entry.
-- Basic - Employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area, food, clean equipment and utensils, or single-service items. Observed a sweater stored on the bulk sodas in the kitchen.
-- Basic - Equipment and utensils not washed, rinsed and sanitized in the correct order in three-compartment sink. Do not use dishes/equipment not properly sanitized. Observed dishes being washed in the center sink, no rinse step.
-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Observed bulk food items on the floor in the walk-in freezer. ALSO, bulk sugar stored on the floor in dry storage.
-- Basic - Single-service articles not stored inverted or protected from contamination. Observed the self service spoons in the dining area were not protected. These were then inverted away from the customer. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Stored food not covered. Observed rice/beans in the walk-in cooler, 39°F, not covered.
Los Pollos Rotisserie Chicken & Grill
8181 NW 39 Ave Suite 30, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 28.
Met standards.
Seven total violations, with one high-priority violation:
-- High Priority - Raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food. Observed raw beef stored over cheese dip in the reach-in cooler.
-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Observed the ice chute has foreign debris on the backside of the chute.
-- Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use at all times. Observed a rolling garbage can in front of the kitchen hand wash sink. This was moved away. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Current Hotel and Restaurant license not displayed. Observed the current license was not available for review.
-- Basic - Equipment or utensils not designed or constructed in a durable manner. Observed the front line counter, under the soda machine, is compromised under the back right leg. ALSO, the gasket on the chest freezer in the kitchen is torn in multiple places.
-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Observed bulk oil in the kitchen stored on the floor. This was moved to a shelf. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Single-service articles not stored inverted or protected from contamination. Observed the self serve spoons on the customer counter are not all handles facing the guest. These were adjusted. **Corrected On-Site**
Taco Bell 26446
826 W University Ave, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 28.
Follow-up needed: High-priority violations found, and administrative action recommended.
Seven total violations, with one high-priority violation:
-- High Priority - Vacuum breaker missing at mop sink faucet or on fitting/splitter added to mop sink faucet. Hose side of splitter missing vacuum breaker. **Repeat Violation** **Admin Complaint**
-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Grease pencil writing on outside of pans stored above three compartment sink. **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Ceiling/ceiling tiles/vents soiled with accumulated food debris, grease, dust, or mold-like substance. Vent above make line dusty. **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Cutting board has cut marks and is no longer cleanable. Cutting board on back side of make line.
-- Basic - Food stored on floor. Bag of rice stored on floor next to office.
-- Basic - Open dumpster lid. Dumpster behind building.
-- Basic - Single-service articles improperly stored. To go containers stored on floor next to back door.
Burger Fi
3524 SW Archer Road, Suite 110, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 28.
Met standards.
Six total violations, with one high-priority violation:
-- High Priority - Employee touched face/hair and then engaged in food preparation, handled clean equipment or utensils, or touched unwrapped single-service items without washing hands. Observed male employee on cook line touch face mask, pull up the back of his pants and then touched ready to eat foods from flip-top make table. Employee did not wash hands or change gloves prior to touching ready to eat food items. Inspector advised manager and manager discussed with employee about washing hands and changing gloves. **Corrective Action Taken**
-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Observed two hand wash sinks, one in kitchen and one in ware wash area with no paper towels. Manager placed towels in dispenser **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Employee beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils. Observed employee drink with lid and straw placed above prep table with condiments.
-- Basic - Employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation. On male employee on cook line with no hair restraint. Employee put on a hat. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Hood filter missing from automatic fire suppression/exhaust system. Observed over grill missing three quarters of the hood vents.
-- Basic - Old labels stuck to food containers after cleaning. Observed old labels not removed from containers on dry rack.
Taco Bell 26477
15350 NW 144 Way, Alachua
Routine inspection Dec. 28.
Met standards.
Four total violations, with one high-priority violation:
-- High Priority - Quaternary ammonium sanitizer not at proper minimum strength for manual warewashing. Do not use equipment/utensils not properly sanitized. Observed 0 ppm at the 3 compartment sink.
-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Observed the drive thru multiport nozzles have an accumulation of syrup debris. **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Employee personal food not properly identified and segregated from food to be served to the public. Observed the employee bus tub with food was stored over guest food. This was moved to the bottom shelf. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Observed the silver lip behind the slushee/Freezee ports has an accumulation of splash up. ALSO, the right hand side of the dining area soda machine area has an accumulation of debris and sticky residue. This item... **Repeat Violation**
Best Western Gateway Grand
4200 NW 97 Blvd, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 29.
Met standards.
Three total violations, with one high-priority violation:
-- High Priority - Toxic substance/chemical improperly stored. Observed bulk hand sanitizer jugs stored over waffle flour. The sanitizer was moved below. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Bulk milk dispenser with dispensing tube longer than one inch protruding from the chilled dispensing head. Observed bulk yogurt dispenser with a tube greater than 1".
-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Observed the area behind the yogurt nozzle has dried food debris. ALSO, the area over the juice nozzles has sticky/dried residue. These both were being cleaned during the inspection. **Corrective Action Taken** **Repeat Violation**
Taco Bell 26458
2224 NW 13 St, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 29.
Met standards.
One violation, with one high-priority violation:
-- High Priority - Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Observed a fly at the 3 compartment sink.
Bonefish Grill
3237 SW 35 Blvd, Gainesville
Complaint inspection Dec. 27.
Met standards.
Eight total violations, with no high-priority violations.
-- Intermediate - Clam/mussel/oyster tags not marked with last date served. Some mussel tags not marked with last date.
-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. Cutting boards stored on clean dish rack stained. Soda gun nozzles in bar area.
-- Basic - Employee personal food not properly identified and segregated from food to be served to the public. Employee personal food stored on shelf in walk-in cooler. Manager placed item in pan on bottom shelf and labeled pan personal items. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - In-use tongs stored on equipment door handle between uses. Tongs hanging on oven handle. Manager moved tongs to prep table. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Ceiling tiles and vents in dish area. Area around coke nozzle on soda machine in wait station. **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Open dumpster lid. Manager had employee close dumpster lid. **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Single-service articles not stored inverted or protected from contamination. To go containers stored in salad prep area. Manager turned containers over. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Wiping cloth quaternary ammonium compound sanitizing solution not at proper minimum strength. Sanitizer bucket in salad prep area, 0 ppm. Manager changed the water, 200 ppm. **Corrected On-Site**
Steak N Shake #80
1610 SW 13 St, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 28.
Met standards.
Seven total violations, with no high-priority violations.
-- Intermediate - Food manager certification expired. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at Observed person in charge with expired food certified manager certificate 11/8/2021.
-- Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Observed no towels at two hand wash sinks next to ware wash area. Also sign missing at hand wash sink behind self-serve drink dispenser. Inspector provided sign for manager to post.
-- Intermediate - Spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled. Observed unlabeled spray bottle under sink at front counter.
-- Basic - Clean glasses, cups, bowls, plates, pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner. Observed four ice buckets next to ice machine not inverted or protected.
-- Basic - Floor soiled/has accumulation of debris. Observed accumulation of paper, cups and other food debris in corner of kitchen and under bread trays **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Garbage on the ground and/or pad around dumpster. Observed cans boxes and trash bags on ground around dumpster. **Repeat Violation**
-- Basic - Missing drain plug at dumpster. Observed one of the two dumpsters missing a drain plug.
El Punto Food Truck
9318 SW 82 Ave, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 27.
Follow-up needed: High-priority violations found, and administrative action recommended.
Five total violations, with no high-priority violations.
-- Intermediate - No certified food manager for establishment. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at MFDV has no certified food manager. **Repeat Violation** **Admin Complaint**
-- Intermediate - No probe thermometer provided to measure temperature of food products. No probe thermometer in MFDV.
-- Intermediate - Spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled. Spray bottle hanging on side of grill not labeled.
-- Basic - Ice buildup in reach-in freezer and/or walk-in freezer. Buildup of ice in reach-in freezer next to pass through window.
-- Basic - Mobile food dispensing vehicle license number not permanently affixed on the side of the unit in figures at least 2 inches high and in contrasting colors from the background of the vehicle. License number in two inch numbers not on MFDV. **Repeat Violation**
Satch Squared
405 SW 4 Ave, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 28.
Met standards.
Five total violations, with no high-priority violations.
-- Intermediate - Commercially processed ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food opened and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening. Milk stored in reach-in cooler behind front counter. Manager placed date milk was opened on container. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Intermediate - Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime. White cutting board on kitchen reach-in cooler. Ice chute on soda machine in lobby.
-- Intermediate - Records/documents for required employee training do not contain all of the required information. Some training certificates missing name of trainer and certificate number of trainer.
-- Basic - Bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food. Soufflé cup used to dispense Parmesan cheese stored in walk-in cooler.
-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Shelves in front of walk-in cooler soiled with old food debris. **Repeat Violation**
Hampton Inn & Suites - Gainesville Downtown
101 SE 1 Ave, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 27.
Met standards.
Three total violations, with no high-priority violations.
-- Basic - Employee personal food not properly identified and segregated from food to be served to the public. Employee drink in reach-in cooler across from kitchen entrance. Employee removed drink from cooler. **Corrected On-Site**
-- Basic - Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. Cabinet shelves throughout the kitchen soiled with old food debris.
-- Basic - Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. Wiping cloth on prep table next to hand washing sink.
El Punto Food Truck
9318 SW 82 Ave, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 27.
Follow-up needed: Administrative complaint recommended.
Two total violations, with no high-priority violations.
-- Intermediate - - From initial inspection : Intermediate - No certified food manager for establishment. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at - From follow-up inspection 2021-12-27: No certified food manager for MFDV. **Admin Complaint**
-- Basic - - From initial inspection : Basic - Mobile food dispensing vehicle license number not permanently affixed on the side of the unit in figures at least 2 inches high and in contrasting colors from the background of the vehicle. - From follow-up inspection 2021-12-27: No numbers on outside of MFDV. **Time Extended**
D'Lites By West Health Spa Corp
4216 NW 16 Blvd, Gainesville
Licensing inspection Dec. 27.
Met standards.
One violation, with no high-priority violations.
-- Basic - Employee personal food not properly identified and segregated from food to be served to the public. Employee drink in kitchen reach-in cooler.
Checkers #6320
912 W University Ave, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 28.
Met standards.
One violation, with no high-priority violations.
-- Basic - Old labels stuck to food containers after cleaning. Containers stored over three compartment sink.
1 W University Ave, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 27.
Follow-up needed: Administrative complaint recommended.
One violation, with no high-priority violations.
-- Intermediate - - From initial inspection : Intermediate - No proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. No proof of employee training. **Warning** - From follow-up inspection 2021-12-27: No proof of employee training. **Admin Complaint**
Wingstop #47
2024 SW 34 St, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 29.
Met standards.
One violation, with no high-priority violations.
-- Intermediate - Handwash sink used for purposes other than handwashing. Observed hand wash sink by ware wash area with food equipment in sink. Manager had employee remove. **Corrected On-Site**
Grill Express
808 W Uni Ave, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 27.
Met standards; earlier problems corrected.
No violations were found.
Samurai Japanese Steak House & Sushi Bar
3720 NW 13 St, Suite 1, Gainesville
Routine inspection Dec. 29.
Met standards; earlier problems corrected.
No violations were found.